Our business is to make your home our priority.
Residential Exterior Maintenance
Have you ever asked yourself why you are still doing chores as an adult? Weed pulling and cutting grass, just seems like something the kids should be doing! Well sometimes that is not an option and BF Property Services, LLC is here to help you when you can't get those chores complete. What's nice is that if your residence is a vacation home that you rent or only visit a few times a year, we can manage your yard maintenance for you. We guarantee an easy schedule and price in order to keep your yard maintained while away or while your home.
Seasonal Yard Maintenance
Flower bed cleaning.
Raking, bagging, and removing leaves.
Raking and removing old mulch.
Pruning flowers & shrubs
Laying new mulch
Yard cleaning
Raking, bagging, and removing leaves
Picking up and removing debris
Grass raking, bagging, and removal.
Limb removal